Thanksgiving: Livin' the dream...

After a solid 5k in the pool this afternoon, I was enjoyed a delicious bowl of burrito goodness for lunch. I was reading the side of the bag it came in (much like I like to play the games on the backs of cereal boxes--HEY, THERE'S AN IDEA, CHIPOTLE!), entertained as usual by the nifty artwork that casually boasts about the quality of Chipotle's ingredients, when the bottom really caught my attention. This was one of those "funny 'cause it's true" scenarios...

As thanksgiving approaches, I suppose it's a good for the soul to participate in the age old tradition of take stock of the things I'm thankful for. Of course, I can run down the usual list, a roof over head, food in my belly, a WONDERFUL wifey, family, friends, yada, yada... And I don't mean yada, yada like I'm not really thankful for those things - I am truly grateful for the way that all these things bless my life, but there's nothing new there - I've been blessed with love friends, family and a comfortable lifestyle since the day I was born. Boy, do I sound spoiled saying that... All I mean is this: I think this year in particular, I have something  and new to be thankful for.

Nowadays instead of getting up early to take the T for an hour commute, I get up early to ride my bike for a few hours. A ride on which I get to smile at the kids waiting for buses knowing that they still have to go to school, but I don't have to go and teach them. Instead, I'll go home, drink some chocolate milk, and take a nap before I get to go swimming or running in the middle of the day. And afterward, I can now grab a free burrito from my absolute favorite place to eat. Why is it free you ask? Cause they sponsor me! What for? For riding my bike, swimming and running all day long instead of sitting behind a desk! I mean, THIS is my office for cryin' out loud! I'm not saying that a generous supply of free food from your favorite restaurant is THE dream, but it is definitely A dream come true, and that bag is designed specifically to hold that dream. Thanks again, Chipotle for supporting my dreams!

And of course I would be remiss in my practice of this thanksgiving tradition if I didn't spend a little more time thanking God again for my wonderful wife, who is sponsor numero uno. For Emily, being "supportive" of your husbands pursuit of the redonk (short for "redonkulous") Olympic dream at the ripe old age of 28 (or 33 by the time I would actually go) isn't just cheering from the sidelines. It's being a daily encourager, masseuse, cook, travelling companion, post-race caretaker, and the sole breadwinner of the family. All this out of love, and without an ounce of resentment. Absolutely amazing - thanks, baby! :-)