Here's a charity ride you can really sink your teeth into. I don't know if you all read Fat Cyclist but if you don't, you should. Very funny, bike themed, and full of good opportunities to get engaged in the charitable side of cycling.
Anyway, the other day he proposed that we all 'get together' do do a '100 Miles of Nowhere'. A nice take on the 100 Miles of Leadville (probably also nowhere). The premise of the ride is to ride 100 miles with no destination or purpose in mind. While this might sound stupid to some of you, to me it sounds pretty much like triathlon training!
The difference between an impromptu training century and 100 Miles of Nowhere is that you can really get into the Nowhere part of it. I had a few quick thoughts on great 100 Miles of Nowhere.
1. Find out if there is a town in your state named "Nowhere." Ride there (neither NH or VT have one, surprisingly).
2. Ride 100 miles in your living room. Ride all damned day on your trainer.
3. Do a McDonalds 500, on your bike. Oddly, 500 laps is probably pretty close to 100 miles.
4. Pick some crummy town in the MIDDLE of nowhere and call everyone in town. Tell them you are doing 100 miles of THERE TOWN on X day at Y time. Then ride there and soak in the hero worshipers.
You get the picture. You're riding nowhere most of the time anyway. Get into it!
It's too late to sign up for the official 'race', but you can still register and get no free schwag. The money still goes to the same cause (cancer research I think).
Good day people.