I am cookie monster!

As a teacher I get three glorious months of vacation. Two of those months are in the summer, but one month of vacation time is spread across the school year. It's freaking incredible to have 11 consecutive days of time off from teaching around Christmas and New Years. But all good things come to an end, and as it turns out I mourn for the loss of my precious R&R with the same intensity that eagerly anticipate the next extended break. (6 weeks baby!)

Scheduled breaks aside, you might notice that it's a Tuesday morning that I am posting this blog entry. It seems my body and mind rejected my return to work yesterday as they were NOT ok with going back today. So here I sit, at home, taking a sick day, left to reflect momentarily on the glory days of Christmas break.

Ask me about my favorite Christmas tradition, and I'll tell you it's eating cookies for breakfast. And by breakfast I mean all day every day, from the minute they come out of the oven to the last crumb. Sorry Will, I know you said be careful over Christmas, but I just can't help myself. That's all - no words of wisdom or triathlon related advice except, I guess... do as I say, not as I do when it comes to cookies.